
In addition to our pilates sessions - which offer full body mobility, strength as well as stretching

we offer several resources to help you to stretch more often and more effectively

as amateur athletes we know how important it is to stretch properly

Below are some stretches you can do now and will see in the classes…


Hip stretch

  • From all 4s - bring one foot forward bend the knee

  • lengthen from back knee to chest

  • push pelvis forward and squeeze glute

  • lean forward into front knee



  • Lying on back, place a band/belt/towel in foot - reach foot to ceiling - bending and straightening leg

  • try to reach heel towards ceiling (don’t worry if leg not fully straightened). Keep bum down on ground

  • draw shoulders down into ground and bring knee towards nose

  • bring leg over body to stretch ITB/outside of leg

  • bring leg out further to lengthen inner thigh, try to keep other leg still



  • Lying on back bring one knee towards chest

  • then bring it over other leg - using hand to help bring it towards the floor


ALL fours back twist

  • Knees wide. Reach one arm towards ceiling

  • then underneath body and along floor, palm toward ceiling

  • use other hand to help push the body into a twist

  • see if you can look up towards the ceiling