Juliet Brown
email me with any enquiries
Online mat pilates classes via Zoom
Wednesdays 9am - email me for link
Mat pilates Mondays 7pm and
book via Pilatespluslondon.co.uk or MINDBODY app
Bootcamp style weight session on Blackheath
Fridays at 9am
email me for more details
Duets, one-to-ones, small groups
Pilates, strength training, Melt, stretching
£60 per hour - weekdays daytime
Fully equipped pilates studio in Blackheath, London SE3
private pilates sessions using mix of all pilates apparatus; mat, two reformers, trapeze table, chair, ladder barrel, Oov, pilates arc
Small group strength training outside and in the studio, including pilates equipment stretch
strength training equipment including kettle bells, barbell, TRX, BOSU, gliding discs
Pilates mat and Melt group classes - in your office
from £80 per hour
Workshops hosted by me or a guest
WALKACTIVE with Joanna Hall
FITTER FOOD Hormone workshop with Keris Marsden
Chi Running with Balavan Thomas
TRX Workshops
Melt Method Workshops
Stretching workshops
Massage ball workshops for myofascial release
Email if you would like to join, arrange or request a workshop
for more information
some of The benefits of pilates
Works the whole body in a functional way - balancing strength, mobility, and flexiblity
Muscular balance - toned muscles that work perfectly within the context of the body as a whole
Aligning the body - improving posture - positioning the body so that it can move freely
Improved body awareness - balance, coordination, good breathing, concentration connection between mind and body
Initially developed as a rehabilitation tool - it's safe for all ages and fitness levels, and is proven to help with back pain
"If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old.
If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young." Joseph Pilates